Thursday 30 June 2016

Reviewing Photographs

In the shots shown below I have used a Canon EOS 600D with a lens of EF-S55-250mm f/4 -5.6 IS II or EF-S18-55mm f/3.5-5.6.6 IS II

  • Close up shot of the 'ika' out in the Otara shopping centre.
  • The composition of the blue panels that hold up the 'fish' are in centre and you can see it through to the end.
  • Over exposed in the back areas.

I had another shot like this but it was over exposed. Like way over exposed that you couldn't see the birds.
I like that the birds are just chilling up there.
Camera looking up. I tried to add the centre of the fish in the centre of the frame.

I think I would want the colours to stand out more but being able to photograph the shops out in Otara is a must. I see repetition. I can see that I'm not standing right in front of the shop. I'm at an angle. The photograph is blurry. 

I love this photograph of the birds. In camera raw I was able to increase the saturation so that the colours on the feathers stand out more. I was able to get close enough to take a still shot of them. 

I was then able to walk towards the birds so they could fly. I wanted to take a shot of them flying away. I was then reminded that I had a long lens so the photos I took look a bit like this. But I like how this photograph has turned out while using it. In camera raw I increased the saturation. I like the motion blur as the birds flap their wings. 
I dislike the background that the birds are flying against in this shot. Doesn't look appealing. 

  • In camera raw I increased the saturation.
  •  The colours stand out more now. 
  • Camera looking up.
  • I like this shot because it's a close wide shot of the 'mat'. I did take a few other shots with the full length of the 'mat' but being able to see less is more. Especially if you are able to see more detail. Seeing the full shot is distracting as there are other objects that come into the frame.
  • The photograph would of looked really good if there was shallow DOF at the background. So like the 'mat' was the only thing in focus. Maybe photo shop or camera raw is able to do this.

  • I have edited this photo so that I was able to see the birds more clearly.
  • The original photo was over exposed.
  • By decreasing the exposure in camera raw I was able to fix the over exposed photo.
  • Camera angle looking up.
  • Birds seem sharper.
  • Edited in camera raw.
  • Increased saturation so that the green grass had more colour to the photograph. Reviewing it back now, it doesn't look that much alive, photograph wise, but I like angle of where this photograph was taken. 
  • The colours on the 'Welcome to Otara' board stands out more.

I like the emptiness of the photograph. 
I tried to make the composition of the photographs even by showing the two speed limit poles opposite asymmetrically from each other evened out in the frame. (If this makes sense)

Camera angle slightly upwards.
I used a 18-55mm lens to take this shot.

This photo is like those typical Otara shots. But I like that this is one of those photos that everyone has to have because it represents Otara. (In a way)
 'Home of Tara'

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