Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Reviewing my photographs: Old photos

(Not recent photographs. These are a mix of old photographs, taken for this project.)

Not quite sure what was happening here.
A bit of motion blur as one of the boys raise their arm.
White areas are over exposed.
Deep DOF with everything in focus. 

There was no one on the bus so I thought I would take a photograph of nobody in it.
I'm not liking the vantage point. It looks a bit bland. Not interesting. The yellow poles that you are able to see are distracting. They are repetitive. The repetitive of the poles is dizzy like. I think taking a photo while in the isle gives it that 'look'. Look being: 'pulls you in'. 

Taken on our way back from St Pauls Gallery. 
Heading towards Otara Road. 
Shallow DOF photograph where it's only focused on the rear view mirror. You can see Rebecca' eyes. Vantage point: Camera aiming straight.
I zoomed in for this shot.  

Similar picture to the top (Rebecca Hobbs) photo.
She should be looking straight ahead aye. 
Over exposed in most areas. (These over exposed areas are just...)
Light bulb moment: Series. I like series of photographs that look similar to each other. Like if I did a series of rear view mirrors. I think I've done something like this earlier though. With the human subject placed on the left or right side of the frame. (The 'avoiding viewfinder' post)

Out of focus asf. 
When you click on to the photo you are able to see how out of focus the photo is. Nothing is focused. It's like i'm learning nothing. But I am, But I AM. I won't be fast enough to take a photo of something/someone in motion. Which is a skill a street photographer should have. Maybe setting the camera to just taking photographs of freeze movement would've helped. If I did like a series of them. 

This would've been a better photograph if it was a close up shot. 
Thought of the moment: I have more bad photos then I do good. 

Yea nah, Big no. 
A mix of motion blur and out of focus shown in this photograph. A portrait shot would've looked better but no guts.

1 comment:

  1. Real good experiments cant wait to see your finals barbs!
