Monday, 20 June 2016

Reviewing my photographs

A lot of empty space around the guy who is caught walking. 
Over exposed around the cloud area. 
Deep DOF photograph.

I really like this photo of Yana smoking. I like that it's taking with the camera behind the fence, getting her in between the frames. What ruins the photo is that it's not focused on her smoking. It's focused on the background. The shallow DOF is on her face. 

I like the way the light from the windows reflect onto the ground. I dislike that it's over exposed in the window area. 

I hate that I've captured the car into the frame. It's pmo. It kills off the photo of what he is trying to do. Maybe a close up would've been a better shot, even if the vehicle wasn't in the frame.

Two people catching up in front of a bakery. 
Subjects are centred in the middle of the frame.
Camera vantage centre.

Ideas that come to mind (Whole post in general): Repetitive. Capturing photographs of those who do something in this community. Like 'the help' in a way. Cleaners, security, or just workers in general. Shop keepers etc. After work hours, adults finishing work kind of thing. Buying dinner. Morning shots. 


  1. Beautiful shots ! Barbs these are great images. Makes me want to go to Otara Bakery :)

  2. Beautiful shots ! Barbs these are great images. Makes me want to go to Otara Bakery :)

  3. This post shows a development in skills and your evaluation, ka pai. (One way to not loose your highlights from overexposure is by using fill flash techniques:
