Tuesday 14 June 2016

Reviewing photographs: Yana

Over exposed around her face.
Shallow DOF in the background.

Deep DOF. 

Shallow DOF in the background which gives the photo a nice look. Making Yana stand out more.

Over exposed.
I don't like how her arm is cut off. 

Too dark.
Composition is bad.

I notice that when I take photographs, I capture them from the side or have them placed on the side of the frame. 

Need to take different angles and take more photos. I've been slacking, technique wise, but then I can see the type of shots I do. 

1 comment:

  1. these are great experiments, he rawe! It is good to hear you talk about your work, when you say things like "Composition is bad" try to explain what it is exactly that you don't like, this will develop your vocabulary
