Monday 13 June 2016

Reviewing my photographs: Avoiding viewfinder eyepiece

As I review my photographs from this day I've noticed that every single person I've captured was on either side of the frame (left or right). Giving them a big amount of space around them.  Negative space.
These are the set of photographs where I wasn't looking through the view finder.

These photographs are taken without me looking through the viewfinder eyepiece. 

Most of these photographs have something in common that I dislike.

There is a lot of space in these photographs. I dislike how much space there is but then I feel like it provides more depth (if that's the right word to use) to the photo. Like if it was a portrait of them walking, it would be like, 'where are they going?' kind of thing. But then maybe a close up wide shot would've been helpful in most of the shots. 

(A few of the dislikes I have mentioned under each photograph can be fixed in Camera Raw though.)

That it's not straight. 
Over exposed in the top area.

The pole of artwork that is placed in the corner of the frame, it's irritating. 
I like that I've captured him walking in front of a store, that is seen clearly. 

Like maybe a close up wide shot would've looked better here. 
I like that you are able to see the shadow and the light. 

Motion blur.
Too much opened space. 
Placing of where the little boy is.

That the top of the man is cut off.

Other than that, I really like this photograph. 

I kind of like this photograph. Although the man on the side is dark. I like that the light is more focused on the foreground (art wall, fish head). It makes the photo stand out, giving the man covered in the dark more impact. (If that makes sense.)

Too much space
Angle. Where I'm standing to take this photograph.
Over exposed.
Out of focus.

I wouldn't be able to stop and actually take a photograph of him if I was using a big DSLR camera.  Like a real intense photograph. So being able to use this camera was a way I could take a sneaky picture.

Way too much space. 
Camera angle is low.
Man walking towards me is lost in the frame.

Over exposed.
Where I'm standing. Makes the composition look crocked. 

(The girl in pink liiike)

She was with others who were also in pink. I wanted a photo of them but this was the closest I got. 

Over exposed. 
Composition is bad. 
Photo is almost like I wasn't focusing on the little girl. 

Doing her job kind of thing. 

That damn tree. It blocks off the photo in a way. Like yea, distracting.
Over exposed.
If only the boy on the bike was a bit closer.
Those birds would've been cool too, if the composition was right.

Just had a thought (Try different lens)

Everything is in focus.
The colours on the left stand out.
It's not a bad shot, in a 'didn't look thought the view finder' way.

This was like a once off experiment (I'll probs end up doing it again). Because taking photographs without looking through the viewfinder is like missing the perfect shot. So yea. But this is good, so I will be able to go over my photographs and see what I need to fix up on. Such as knowing what to do when I go out again. 

Like...looking through the view finder.
Setting up and taking time to set up the frame. Like really see if everything is focused or shallow DOF is in the right areas etc. etc. etc.

(Lens: OLYMPUS M.14-42mm F3.5-5.6 II R.)


  1. loving your photos tbvh barbs. :)

  2. loving your work barbs! keep it up man :) You go girl. Can't wait to see you put up your finals in otara man.
