Self Portrait of Jude Liana
- Jude is a photographer, model and poet based in New York City, who makes raw art and writes about real life stuff.
- She takes candid film images of friends and landscapes.
- Started taking photos when she was 11, but took it more serious around 18.
- Got accepted into International Center of Photography at 16.
- She is into document and narrative photography.
- Jude's photographs are strong and raw.
- I want to be able to take shots like this when I'm out. To add a subject that shows a lot in a photograph (if that even makes sense) for e.g the first picture shown, you can see the post 'police line do not cross' in the shot. Showing her on one side and the others on the other side of this post.
- I like that fact the her photographs are film photography. It gives it a nice look.
I need to be able to go out and photograph candids out in the street. I worry about their reactions but exploring and doing this will be something I would want to carry on doing.
I want to learn how to develop my own photographs when using film photography. That would be something I will need to research more into in my spare time.
After watching that video: I think I should get my shit together now.
points after reading the article/what I thought after reading this:
To keep shooting, from left to right. Things that capture your eye.
Travelling around for projects. she sets out projects which is inspiring.
To have a main focus in your photographs. What kind of photograph will I be. What type of photographs do I take.